
Cults and World Religions


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In this Course we will, through video teaching and textbook readings:

  • Examine various Cults, World Religions, the Occult and several Contemporary Heresies
  • Define terms such as cults and world religions and other terms
  • Examine Cults such as: Jehovah Witnesses; Mormon’s; Scientology; Baha’i, Christian Science, Unity Church, Hare Krishna, even discus Seventh Day Adventist etc…
  • Explore World Religions such as: Judaism, Islam; Hinduism; Buddhism and more
  • Examine how to share our faith with people of other beliefs
  • Learn about the Masons and their background and influence today
  • Explore modern heresies – Hyper Grace; Universalism; Duel Covenant, Replacement Theology etc
  • Discuss the New Age Movement; Nepoaganism, Occult, Witchcraft, Kabbalah, church of satan, Wicca, Astrology, Tarot Cards etc
  • Through Text readings, explore Ancient and Modern philosophies and religious groups: Deism, Druidism, Druze, Eckankar and Oprah’s new religion, Gnosticism, Nation of Islam, Rastafarianism, Sai Baba, Sikhism, Spiritism, Taoism, the way International, Unification Church, Jim Jones cult, Voodoo, Worldwide Church of God, and Zoroastrianism, African Tradition Religion, Native American Spirituality, Shinto
  • Understand Terms and Non –Religious Beliefs – Secular Humanism, Atheism, Agnosticism and Postmodernism
  • Extreme Popular Beliefs – Vampirism, Jediism, Fandom, current movie and music occult trends – such as Harry Potter, Where wolves, etc.
  • Everything will be aligned with the Truth of the Word of God

At the end of this course

  •  You will be better equipped to face the modern world and culture and let your light shine in an ever-increasing darkness;
  • Also, know where to go to get answers when faced with other values and religious beliefs
  • Safeguard yourself – from falling under the guise of trends in Christians circles – ie Hyper-Grace movement
  • Understand the purity and power of the Holy Scriptures


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