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Driven By Eternity

Original price was: $49.99.Current price is: $29.00.

There was once a world similar to our own yet different in many ways. In this world, there were no independent nations, only one great kingdom named Affabel. Though this kingdom spanned the entire known world, it had a single capital city from which all leadership was administered. It was called The Great City of Affabel. This enchanted city was presided over by a remarkable king named Jalyn.

King Jalyn was adored and greatly admired by his subjects. He exuded a depth of love that seemed inexhaustible. He was strong and wise, yet at the same time was kind and possessed a great sense of humor. Though his manner was regal, Jalyn was also personable. To be with him was to find oneself encompassed in an atmosphere of goodness. His presence raised every aspect of life to a higher level. His vision and foresight were astounding, and he had an uncanny ability to see beyond the actions of people into the motives of their hearts.

Jalyn’s father, who founded Affabel, was known as the Founding King Father. Once order had been established, he turned all leadership of the kingdom over to his son. The residents of the great city helped administrate the rule of Jalyn in the outlying territories of the kingdom. This was accomplished through a hierarchical system of authority and leadership in the ruling city. Can you find yourself in the story?


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